ChilizX Egg Hunt Contest Winner Announcement

Dear Chilizens,


We are thrilled to announce the winners of the ChilizX Egg Hunt Contest! Congratulations to all the participants for their outstanding performance during the competition period.




The total reward of 20,000 CHZ has been divided between the top 25 traders, and we are pleased to share the results with you:

Placement UID Trading Volume in USD Reward in CHZ
1 983453XXX622464 $984,430.27 4000
2 797906XXX926336 $728,118.33 3000
3 865298XXX825600 $620,883.69 2000
4 941478XXX067008 $449,121.33 1125
5 139441XXX171584 $440,381.77 1125
6 931379XXX137856 $414,412.93 850
7 872051XXX929472 $410,163.53 850
8 864429XXX872128 $325,615.42 850
9 834070XXX362432 $305,532.88 850
10 135150XXX130688 $303,461.65 850
11 602162XXX707264 $271,369.83 300
12 135505XXX446272 $253,054.43 300
13 768366XXX648704 $243,098.91 300
14 787537XXX066560 $230,607.72 300
15 642832XXX291904 $214,024.94 300
16 954622XXX516672 $202,854.49 300
17 788469XXX080576 $177,910.40 300
18 722593XXX331264 $175,830.23 300
19 940862XXX469632 $151,792.44 300
20 818184XXX674496 $149,381.87 300
21 720522XXX526784 $145,050.07 300
22 787053XXX440000 $144,148.04 300
23 930581XXX501888 $140,105.28 300
24 631850XXX073152 $138,171.68 300
25 103118XXX578752 $115,611.45 300

Please note the rewards will be distributed latest by Friday, May 12th, 2023. We want to thank again all participants for their enthusiasm and effort in making the ChilizX Egg Hunt We appreciate your dedication and support.


Terms and Conditions apply.


We want to remind you that there will be more and more campaigns running on ChilizX in the future, so follow us on Twitter for updates on upcoming events and opportunities.


Once again, congratulations to all the winners, and we hope to see you soon in our future campaigns!

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