POR 50% off on exchange fees

How do you feel about the Portuguese national team? Have they met your expectations? Are they doing a great job on the pitch? Portugal faces South Korea in their last group stage match on December 2nd, and ChilizX has a surprise.



We offer 24 hours of POR Fan Token trading on our platform with 50% off on trading fees for all traders. 


Use this opportunity to buy or sell POR fan tokens at a discounted fee for 24 hours!


How long will the campaign last?


Start date: 12/1/2022 14:00 UTC

End date: 12/2/2022 14:00 UTC


Please note that the discount applies automatically to your trading activity; you don’t have to do anything. (Please note a trading fee is only applied to the sell side for all Fan Token pairs on ChilizX).

Terms and Conditions apply.



Chiliz Tokens and Fan Tokens are not and shall not be construed as investment or financial products. They are a form of cryptoasset. Please note that when it comes to crypto assets (a) the value is variable and can go down as well as up; (b) these are unregulated in most countries; and (c) tax may be payable by you on any profits made on their sale. You should carefully consider buying or selling cryptoassets as it entails risks and could result in a complete loss of funds. They are not suitable for those under-18. Authorization process at the Bank of Portugal in progress.

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