Ask the Best Questions & Win 50 CHZ

This is the day, Chilizens! We are delighted to announce that our 5th birthday is today. As part of our celebration, our Head of Crypto, Joe, and Marketing Manager, Siyi, will hold a Twitter Space event on February 7th at 15:00 pm UTC.


Join the discussion on Twitter and learn more about Chiliz and ChilizX from the two OGs. Ask questions, and the five best ones they select will get 50 $CHZ each. A total of 250 $CHZ are ready for our Twitter followers.


Remember, everyone is eligible to win if they join.


The Space will be full of virtual cocktails, fireworks, and music as we celebrate a birthday. Still, it will also be a chance for our fans to get close to one of the leading people in the company. 


Ask what you’re interested in, and win $CHZ.



Chiliz Tokens and Fan Tokens are not and shall not be construed as investment or financial products. They are a form of cryptoasset. Please note that when it comes to crypto assets (a) the value is variable and can go down as well as up; (b) these are unregulated in most countries; and (c) tax may be payable by you on any profits made on their sale. You should carefully consider buying or selling cryptoassets as it entails risks and could result in a complete loss of funds. They are not suitable for those under-18.

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