
Terms of Use

Last Updated 06th May 2024


Entertainment Trading Technologies Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") is a company incorporated in accordance to the laws of the Republic of Seychelles, and operates https://www.chiliz.net (hereinafter referred to as "this Platform" or "the Platform"), which is a Platform dedicated to the transaction of Digital Assets and the provision of related services (hereinafter referred to as "the Service"). 

"Digital Assets" refers to any digital representation of value or rights that can be traded, stored, or transferred electronically through the Platform. This includes, but is not limited to, cryptocurrencies, tokens, and Fan Tokens.  

The term "Platform" encompasses all digital infrastructure, software, services, and functionalities provided by Chiliz.net, which are designed to facilitate the trading, storage, management, and transaction of Digital Assets. This includes the website, mobile applications, APIs, and other related technologies. The Platform specifically refers to the suite of services offered, including but not limited to the execution of trades, custody, management of user accounts, processing of transactions, and provision of real-time data related to Digital Assets. 

  • For the convenience of wording in this Agreement, the Company and the Platform are referred to as "we" or other applicable forms of first person pronouns in this Agreement. All natural persons or other subjects who log onto this Platform shall be users of this Platform. For the convenience of wording in this Agreement, the users are referred to as "you" or any other applicable forms of the second-person pronouns. For the convenience of wording in this Agreement, you and us are collectively referred to as "both parties", and individually as "one party". For the convenience of the Users, all content on this Platform may be available in multiple languages. In case of any conflict between different language versions of such content or any omission in any language version, the English language version shall prevail. The Chiliz Tokens (CHZ), Fan Tokens are collectively referred to as Digital Assets (“Digital Assets”). 

    Important reminder: We hereby remind you that: 

  • The Digital Assets themselves are not offered by any financial institution;
  • The Digital Asset market is new and unconfirmed, and will not necessarily expand;  
  • Digital Asset transactions are highly risky, due to the fact that they are traded throughout the day without limits on the rise or fall in price, and market makers and global government policies may cause major fluctuations in their prices;
  • The Company may suspend or terminate your account or use of the Service, or the processing of any Digital Asset transaction, at any time if it determines in its sole discretion that you have violated this Agreement or that its provision or your use of the Service in your jurisdiction is unlawful. 


Digital Assets trading is highly risky and therefore not suitable for the vast majority of people. You acknowledge and understand that purchasing Digital Assets may result in partial or total loss of your funds and therefore you are advised to decide the amount of your spend on the basis of your loss-bearing capacity. You acknowledge and understand that Digital Assets may generate derivative risks. Therefore, if you have any doubt, you are advised to seek assistance or professional advice first. Furthermore, aside from the above-mentioned risks, there may also be unpredictable risks. Therefore, you are advised to carefully consider and use clear judgement to assess your financial position and the abovementioned risks before making any decisions on buying and selling Digital Assets; any and all losses arising therefrom will be borne by you and we shall not be held liable in any manner whatsoever.

You are hereby informed that: 

You understand that this Platform is only intended to serve as a venue for you to obtain Digital Asset information, find trading counterparties and effect transactions of Digital Assets.

All opinions, information, discussions, analyses, prices, advice and other information on this Platform are general market reviews and do not constitute any form of financial or investment advice. We do not bear any loss arising directly or indirectly from reliance on the abovementioned information, including but not limited to, any loss of profits. 

The content of this Platform may be changed from time to time and at any time without notice, and we have taken reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy of the information on the Platform; however, we do not guarantee the degree of such accuracy, or bear any loss arising directly or indirectly from the information on this Platform or from any delay or failure caused by failure to link up with the internet, transmit or receive any notice and information 

Using internet-based trading systems also involves risks, including but not limited to failures in software, hardware or Internet links, etc. In view of the fact that we cannot control the reliability and availability of the Internet, we will not be responsible for any distortion, delay and link failure.

Each user is permitted to create and maintain only one account on the Platform. The creation of multiple accounts by a single user is strictly prohibited and may result in immediate suspension or termination of all related accounts. Users must ensure that all information provided during the registration process is accurate and kept up-to-date. Failure to comply with this policy may lead to restrictions on account functionality, including but not limited to, trading and transaction capabilities.

It is prohibited to use this Platform to engage in any illegal transaction activities or illegitimate activities, such as money laundering, smuggling and commercial bribery. In the event that any suspected illegal transaction activities or illegitimate activities is uncovered, this Platform will adopt all available measures, including but not limited to freezing the offender’s account, notifying relevant authorities, etc., and we will not assume any of the responsibilities arising therefrom and reserve the right to hold relevant persons accountable; 

It is prohibited to use this Platform for the purpose of malicious manipulation of the market, improper transactions or any other illicit trading activities. Where any of such illicit trading activities is uncovered, this Platform will adopt such preventive and protective measures as warning, restricting trading and closing accounts against any and all such malicious manipulation of prices, maliciously influencing the trading system and any other illicit behaviours; we do not assume any of the responsibilities arising therefrom and reserve the right to hold relevant persons accountable. 


1.1 The User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement" or "these terms and conditions") consists of the main body, Privacy Policy, as well as any other policies, rules, statements, instructions, etc. that this Platform (also known as the Platform) has published or may publish in the future. 

1.2 Terms and Conditions Acceptance

Before utilizing any services provided by the Company, including but not limited to our Digital Assets exchange Platform, you are required to:

1.2.1. Read and Consult: Thoroughly review these Terms and Conditions ("Agreement"). Should you have doubts or require clarification, we strongly encourage seeking professional independent advice.

1.2.2. Consent: Use of the Company's services signifies your unconditional agreement to these Terms, including any future modifications. If you do not agree, you must refrain from using our Platform 

1.2.3. Continuous Agreement: By engaging with our Platform in any form, such as logging in, you acknowledge and accept the entirety of this Agreement and any amendments the Company may introduce at any point.

1.3 Registration, Agreement, and Commercial Relationship

1.3.1 Registration Process: By accurately providing the requested information on the Company's Platform and completing the subsequent steps, you will be registered as a user ("User").

1.3.2 Electronic Agreement: By selecting "I Agree" (or similar) during registration or when using our services, you are effectively accepting this agreement electronically, establishing an agreement with the Company.

1.3.3 Acceptance of Terms: Engaging with our Platform through any approved method indicates your comprehensive understanding and acceptance of this Agreement's terms and conditions. The absence of a handwritten signature will not affect this Agreement's legal validity concerning you.

1.3.4 Initiation of Commercial Relationship: Although registration designates you as a User, a commercial relationship with the Company is only established once you have successfully deposited Digital Assets, for which you are the uncontested legal owner, into the Platform. Until such a deposit is made, no commercial relationship exists.

1.4 After you become a User of this Platform, you will receive a User account and corresponding password, which shall be properly kept by you as a User of this Platform; Users shall be liable for all activities and events carried out through your User account. 

1.5 You cannot engage in trading on the Digital Asset trading Platform provided by this Platform and gain access to the Platform that are exclusively available to Users in accordance with the rules and regulations of this Platform, unless and until you become a User of this Platform; if you are not a User of this Platform, you can only log in to and browse the Website and have access to other Platform as are permitted by the rules and regulations of this Platform. 

1.6 Upon registering yourself as a User of this Platform and using any of the services and functions offered by this Platform, it shall be deemed that you have read, understood this Agreement, and: 

1.6.1 accepted to be bound by all terms and conditions of this Agreement; 

1.6.2 You are at least 18 years of age or have reached the legal age for entering contracts in your jurisdiction, enabling you to conduct activities such as registration, buying, selling, and information sharing on this Platform under your legal rights.

1.6.3 Your use of our Platform , including all transactions and activities, complies with the laws and regulations of the country or region that governs you. You ensure that your engagement with the Platform, especially in Digital Asset transactions, adheres to your jurisdiction's legal requirements, acknowledging that these laws may vary significantly by location.

1.6.4. You affirm that you have the necessary legal capacity to agree to this Agreements, engage in transactions, and use our Platform You understand the implications and accept the responsibilities associated with such transactions, including the capability to bear any resulting losses.

1.6.5 You confirm that your registration, and subsequent transactions and activities on the Platform do not infringe upon any legal or regulatory provisions applicable in your jurisdiction concerning Digital Asset transactions. This includes ensuring that no laws are violated through your use of the Platform's services.

1.6.6 You undertake that all your Digital Assets involved in transactions hereunder are legally acquired and owned by you.

1.6.7 You agree to undertake any and all liabilities for your own transaction and non-transaction activities as well as any and all profits and losses therefrom.

1.6.8 You confirm that the information provided at the time of registration is true and accurate.

1.6.9 You agree to comply with any and all relevant laws, including the reporting of any transaction profits for tax purposes.

1.6.10 You agree to always refrain from engaging in or participating in any act or activity that damages the interests of this Platform or the Company, whether or not in connection with the services provided by this Platform.

1.6.11 This Agreement is only binding on the rights and obligations between you and us, and does not involve legal relations and legal disputes arising from and relating to the transaction of Digital Assets between the users of this Platform, and between other Websites/Apps and you. 

  1. Amendment of this Agreement 

We reserve the right to amend this Agreement from time to time and disclose such amendment by way of announcement on the Platform without sending a separate notice to you on your rights. The date when the amendment is made will be indicated on the first page of the amended agreement. The amended agreement will take effect immediately upon announcement on the Platform. You shall browse this Platform from time to time and follow information on the time and content of amendments, if any, made to this Agreement. If you do not agree with the amendments, you shall stop using the Platform immediately; if you continue to use the Platform, it shall be deemed that you accept and agree to be bound by the amended agreement.

3. Registration 

3.1 Eligibility Requirements

By registering on this Platform, you affirm and commit to the following:

3.1.1 Legal Capacity: You are either a natural person aged 18 or over, , a legal entity (such as a company), or another type of organization that is legally recognized and has the capacity to enter into this Agreement and utilize the services provided by the Platform, in accordance with applicable laws.

3.1.2. Agreement and Representation: By clicking the button to register, you, or an individual authorized to act on your behalf, agree to the terms of this Agreement. This act of registration signifies that either you or your authorized representative consents to, and is bound by, the terms herein, and will use the Platform's services under these terms.

3.1.3. Consequences of Ineligibility: If you do not possess the legal capacity mentioned above (either as an individual, legal entity, or organisation), both you and your authorised representative will face the consequences, which may include the cancellation or permanent freezing of your account. Additionally, the Company retains the right to seek accountability, damages and/or compensation from you and your representative for any actions taken that contravene these terms.

3.2 Purpose of Registration - You confirm and promise that you do not register with this Platform for the purpose of violating any of the applicable laws or regulations or undermining the order of Digital Asset transactions on this Platform.

3.3 Registration Process 

3.3.1 You agree to provide a valid email address, a mobile phone number and other information in accordance with the requirements on the user registration page of this Platform. You can use the email address, mobile phone number or any other manner permitted by this Platform to log in to this Platform. Where it is necessary and in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws and regulations of relevant jurisdictions, you shall provide your real name, identity card and other information required by applicable laws, regulations, the Privacy Policy, and other applicable laws, and constantly update your registration data (including but not limited to the mobile phone number) so that they will be timely, detailed and accurate as is required. All of the original typed data will be referenced as registration information. You shall be responsible for the authenticity, integrity and accuracy of such information and bear any direct or indirect loss and adverse consequences arising out of it. 

3.3.2 If any of the applicable laws, regulations, rules, orders and other regulatory documents of the sovereign country or region in which you are based requires that mobile phone accounts must be based on real names, you hereby confirm that the mobile phone number you provide for registration purposes has gone through the real-name registration procedure. If you cannot provide such a mobile phone number as is required, any direct or indirect losses and adverse consequences arising therefrom and affecting you shall be borne by you.

3.3.3 After you provide the required registration information in a legal, complete and valid manner and such information passes relevant verification, you shall have the right to obtain an account and a password of this Platform. Upon obtaining such account and password, your registration shall be deemed as successful and you can log into this Platform as a User thereof. 

3.3.4 You agree to receive emails and/or short messages sent by this Platform related to the management and operation thereof. 

  1. Services

This Platform only provides online transaction Platform services for you to engage in Digital Asset trading activities through this Platform (including but not limited to the Digital Asset transactions etc.). This Platform does not provide any services relating to the replenishment and withdrawal of the legal currency of any country. 

You agree to pay us the applicable fees and/ or commissions in connection with your use of the Platform through trading activities of any Digital Assets.

4.1 Content of Services

4.1.1 You have the right to browse the real-time quotes and transaction information of Digital Asset products on this Platform, to submit Digital Asset transaction instructions and to complete the Digital Asset transaction through this Platform. 

4.1.2 You have the right to view information under the User accounts on this Platform and to apply the functions provided by this Platform.

4.1.3 You have the right to participate in the Platform activities organized by this Platform in accordance with the rules of activities posted on this Platform

4.1.4 Other services that this Platform promises to offer to you. 

4.2 Service Rules: You undertake to comply with the following service rules of this Platform:

4.2.1 You shall comply with the provisions of applicable laws, regulations, rules, and policy requirements, and ensure the legality of the source of all Digital Assets in your account, and shall refrain from engaging in any illegal activities or other activities that damages the rights and interests of this Platform or any third party, such as sending or receiving information that is illegal, illicit or infringes on the rights and interests of any other person, sending or receiving pyramid scheme information or information or remarks causing other harm, unauthorized use or falsification of the email header information of this Platform, inter alia. 

4.2.2 Account Use and Security: Legal Compliance and Account Security: You are obligated to follow all applicable laws and regulations. It is your responsibility to securely manage your Platform account, login and financial transaction passwords, and the mobile phone number linked to your account provided at registration. This includes safeguarding the security of verification codes sent to your mobile phone. Responsibility for Account Activities: You bear full responsibility for all actions taken through your Platform account and the associated passwords and verification codes. This encompasses all outcomes of such activities. Unauthorised Access and Security Breaches: Should you discover unauthorised use of your account, passwords, or mobile phone verification codes, or any other security issues concerning your account, you must promptly notify the Company. You can request that the Company temporarily suspend services to your account in response to such incidents. The Company will respond to your request within a reasonable timeframe. However, we are not liable for any losses or consequences that occur as a consequence of such incidents. Account Transfer Restrictions: Without explicit permission from the Company, you are prohibited from transferring your account to others, whether by donation, loan, lease, sale, or any other means. Each user is permitted to create and maintain only one account on the Platform. The creation of multiple accounts by a single user is strictly prohibited and may result in immediate suspension or termination of all related accounts.

4.2.3 You agree to take responsibility for all activities (including but not limited to information disclosure, information release, online click-approving or submission of various agreements on rules, online renewal of agreements or purchase service) using your account and password with this Platform. 

4.2.4 In your Digital Asset transactions on this Platform, you may not maliciously interfere with the normal proceeding of the Digital Asset transaction or disrupt the transaction order; you may not use any technical means or other means to interfere with the normal operation of this Platform or interfere with the other users' use of the services; you may not maliciously defame the Company or the Platform’s business goodwill on the ground of falsified fact. 

4.2.5 We are committed to maintaining a respectful and safe environment for everyone. As such, we strictly prohibit any form of derogatory, abusive, or violent behaviour, including threats, vulgarity, defamation, or other offensive actions directed towards our employees, representatives, or officers. Should you engage in such conduct, as solely determined by us, we will take the following actions:

  • Account Actions: We reserve the right to suspend, lock, or close your account and cease all forms of communication with you.

  • Further Measures: Depending on the severity of the behaviour, we may also take additional steps deemed necessary, including reporting the incident to both local and international law enforcement and regulatory bodies.

  • Funds Policy: In the event of such actions, we further reserve the right to withhold, freeze or retain any funds or balances in your account at our sole discretion. 

4.2.6 If any dispute arises between you and any other user in connection with online transactions, you may not resort to any means other than judicial or governmental means to request this Platform to provide relevant information.

4.2.7 All taxes payable as well as all fees relating to hardware, software and services that are incurred by you in the course of using the Services provided by this Platform shall be solely borne by you. 

4.2.8 You shall abide by this Agreement and other terms of service and operating rules that this Platform may release from time to time, and you have the right to terminate your use of the services provided by this Platform at any time. 

4.3 Product Rules 

4.3.1 Trading Product Rules

As a user engaging in transactions on this Platform, you commit to adhering to the following rules: Reviewing Transaction Information: Before proceeding with any transaction, it is your responsibility to thoroughly review all transaction details displayed on the Platform. This includes, but is not limited to, price, consignment terms, handling fees, and the direction of the transaction (buying or selling). You must fully accept all terms outlined in the transaction information before initiating a transaction. Trade Order Confirmation: Once you have reviewed and agreed to the transaction details, you may submit your Trade Order. By doing so, you grant the Platform permission to act as your broker for the submitted transaction. The Platform will automatically match your Trade Order with corresponding proposals without further notice to you. Transaction Details Access: You can access and review your detailed transaction records through the Orders. It is advised to regularly check these records to ensure transaction accuracy. Modifying or Revoking Trade Order: You retain the right to modify or revoke your Trade Order at any point before the completion of the transaction.

4.4 Users' Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risk: Users acknowledge and agree that they bear sole responsibility for the accuracy and validity of transaction details they input, including but not limited to withdrawal addresses, transaction amounts, and the selection of Digital Assets for transactions. Users understand that Digital Asset transactions are irreversible once executed and that the Company  cannot retrieve or reverse transactions if incorrect details are provided by the User. Therefore, Users are urged to exercise utmost caution and double-check their transaction details before submission. The Company  shall not be liable for any losses or damages resulting from Users’ errors in transaction execution.

  1. Rights and Obligations of the Company 

5.1 If you do not satisfy  the registration requirements as requested  in this Agreement, this Platform shall have the right to refuse to allow you to register; if you have already registered, the Company shall have the right to revoke your User account, and the Company reserves the right to hold you or your authorized agent accountable. Furthermore, the Company reserves the right to decide whether to accept your application for registration under any other circumstances. 

5.2 When the Company finds out that the user of an Account is not the initial registrant of that Account, it shall have the right to suspend or terminate the user's access to that Account. 

5.3 Where by means of technical testing or manual sampling, among others, the Company reasonably suspects that the information you provide is wrong, untrue, invalid or incomplete, the Company shall have the right to notify you to correct or update the information, or suspend or terminate its supply of the Services to you. 

5.4 The Company shall have the right to correct any information displayed on the Company when it uncovers any obvious error in such information.

5.5 The Company reserves the right to modify, suspend or terminate the Services offered, at any time, and the right to modify or suspend the Service without prior notice to you; if the Company terminates one or more of the Services offered by the Company, such termination by the Company will take effect on the date of announcement of such termination on the Platform. 

5.6 The Company shall take necessary technical means and management measures to ensure the normal operation of the Company, and shall provide a necessary and reliable trading environment and transaction services, and shall maintain the order of Digital Assets trading. 

5.7 the Company shall ensure the security of your Digital Assets by strengthening technical input and enhancing security precautions, and is under the obligation to notify you in advance of the foreseeable security risks in your account.

5.8 the Company shall have the right to delete all kinds of content and information which does not conform to laws and regulations or the rules of the Company at any time, and exercise of this right by the Company is not subject to a prior notice to you. 

5.9 the Company shall have the right to, in accordance with the applicable laws, administrative regulations, rules, orders and other regulatory documents of the sovereign country or region where you are based, request to you for more information or data, and to take reasonable measures to meet the requirements of the local standards, and you have the obligation to provide proper assistance to such measures; the Company shall have the right to suspend or permanently terminate your access to the Platform as well as part or all of the services offered by the Company. 

  1. Indemnity 

6.1 Under any circumstance, our liability for your direct damage will not exceed the total cost incurred by your one (1) months' use of Services offered by this Platform. 

6.2 Should you be in breach of this Agreement or any applicable law or administrative regulation, you shall pay to us at least US$ Two million in compensation and bear all the expenses in connection with such breach (including attorney's fees, among others). If such compensation cannot cover the actual loss, you shall make up for the difference. Furthermore, in the event of a wind-down of operations, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Company from any claims, damages, or demands arising from delays or failures in the withdrawal process, except where such delays or failures are due to gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the Company.

6.3 Notwithstanding any other provision in these Agreement, in case of winding down of operations, the Company's liability to users shall be limited to the direct, actual damages incurred by users as a result of the Company's breach of the winding down procedures outlined in Section 9.5. Under no circumstances shall the Company be liable for indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of or in connection with the wind down of its operations.

  1. The Right to Injunctive Relief 

Both you and we acknowledge that common law remedies for breach of agreement or possible breach of contract may be insufficient to cover all the losses that we sustain; therefore, in the event of a breach of contract or a possible breach of contract, the non-breaching party shall have the right to seek injunctive relief as well as all other remedies that are permitted under common law or equity.

8. Limitation and Exemption of Liability 

8.1 You understand and agree that under no circumstance will the Company, any of its officers, directors, representatives or affiliated entities,  be held liable for any of the following events: 

8.1.1 loss of income; 

8.1.2 loss of transaction profits or contractual losses; 

8.1.3 disruption of the business; 

8.1.4 loss of expected currency losses; 

8.1.5 loss of information;

8.1.6 loss of opportunity, damage to goodwill or reputation; 

8.1.7 damage or loss of data; 

8.1.8 cost of purchasing alternative products or services; 

8.1.9 any indirect, special or incidental loss or damage arising from any infringement (including negligence), breach of contract or any other cause, regardless of whether or not such loss or damage may reasonably be foreseen by us, and regardless of whether or not we are notified in advance of the possibility of such loss or damage. 

8.1.10 any delays in processing any transactions including withdrawals of Digital Assets due to unforeseen technical difficulties, system capacity issues, compliance reviews, and any other reasons beyond our immediate control.

8.1.11 Items 8.1.1 to 8.1.10 are independent of each other. 

8.2 You understand and agree that neither the Company, nor any of its officers, directors, representatives or affiliated entities, shall be held liable for any damages caused by any of the following events: 

8.2.1 Where we are properly justified in believing that your specific transactions may involve any serious violation or breach of law or agreement; 

8.2.2 Taking appropriate actions where we are reasonably justified in believing that your conduct whilst using the Services including interactions on this Platform is suspected of being illegal or immoral; 

8.2.3 The expenses and losses arising from the purchase or transaction through the services offered by this Platform; 

8.2.4 Your misunderstanding of the Services offered by this Platform; 

8.2.5 Delays in withdrawals that are the result of necessary compliance checks, system maintenance, technical issues, or sudden peaks in withdrawal requests that exceed system processing capacity. 

8.2.6 Any actions taken in accordance with the wind-down procedures outlined in this Agreement, including but not limited to, delays in withdrawals, changes in service availability, or loss of access to the Platform, provided such actions are in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

8.2.7 Any other losses related to the Services provided by this Platform, which cannot be attributed to us. 

8.3 Where we fail to provide the Services or delay in providing such Services due to information network equipment maintenance, information network connectivity failures, errors in computer, communications or other systems, power failures, weather conditions, unexpected accidents, industrial actions, labour disputes, revolts, uprisings, riots, lack of productivity or production materials, fires, floods, storms, explosions, wars, failure on the part of banks or other partners, collapse of the Digital Asset market, actions by government, judicial or administrative authorities, other acts that are not within our control or beyond our inability to control, or due to causes on the part of third parties, we shall not assume any responsibility for such failure to provide service or delay in providing services, or for the resultant loss you may sustain as a result of such failure or delay. We commit to acting in good faith to resolve any such delays promptly, but shall not be liable for any alleged damages or losses resulting from any delayed transactions.

8.4 We cannot guarantee that all the information, programs, texts, etc. contained in this Platform are completely safe, free from the interference and destruction by any malicious programs such as viruses, trojans, etc., therefore, your log-in to this Platform or use of any Services offered by this Platform, download of any program, information and data from this Platform and your use thereof are your personal decisions and therefore you shall bear any and all risks and losses that may possibly arise.

8.5 We do not make any warranties and commitments in connection with any of the information, products and business of any third party platforms linked to this Platform, as well as any other forms of content that do not belong to us; your use any of the Services, information, and products provided by a third party platform is your personal decision and therefore you shall assume any and all the responsibilities arising therefrom. 

8.6 Disclaimer of Warranties

8.6.1 Service Usage: The Company makes no express or implied warranties concerning your use of the Services provided by this Platform. This includes, but is not limited to, the Services' suitability for a particular purpose, error-free operation, consistency, accuracy, reliability, and freedom from omissions.

8.6.2 Technology and Information: The Company does not guarantee the validity, accuracy, correctness, reliability, quality, stability, completeness, or timeliness of the technology and information made available through its services. Any decision to access or use the Services available on   this Platform is at your sole discretion, and you bear all risks and potential losses resulting from such decisions.

8.6.3  The Company expressly disclaims any warranties related to the market, value, pricing, volatility, and performance of Digital Assets. The Digital Asset market is inherently risky and highly volatile, with prices and values subject to rapid and unpredictable changes due to market-related risks as well as risks not directly related to the market, such as legal, technological and other risks, all of which may result in potential declines or losses in value. Transactions involving Digital Assets are speculative and undertaken solely at your own discretion and risk. You acknowledge and understand the volatile nature of Digital Assets and accept full responsibility for any and all risks and losses that may arise from transactions involving Digital Assets on this Platform.

8.7 We do not waive any of the rights not mentioned in this Agreement and to the maximum extent permitted by the applicable law, we do not waive our rights to limit, exempt or offset our liability for damages. 

8.8 Limitation of Liability for User Errors: Notwithstanding any provisions in this Agreement, the Company shall not be liable for any losses, damages, or liabilities resulting directly or indirectly from user errors, including but not limited to incorrect withdrawal addresses, erroneous transaction amounts, or mistaken selection of Digital Assets. This limitation of liability applies to all forms of error, regardless of the nature of the transaction or the Platform functionality being utilized. Users hereby release the Company from any claims, damages, liabilities, and losses of any kind, known or unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with such user errors.

8.9 Upon your registration of your account with this Platform, it shall be deemed that you approve any and all operations performed by us in accordance with the rules set forth in this Agreement, and any and all risks arising from such operations shall be assumed by you. 

  1. Termination of Agreement

9.1 The Company shall have the right to terminate the offering of Services to you and close your account on this Platform in accordance with this Agreement, and this Agreement shall be terminated on the date of the closure of your account. 

9.3 After the termination of this Agreement, you do not have the right to require the Company  to continue providing you with any service or perform any other obligation, saving any legal right you may wish to exercise as applicable to you.

9.3 The termination of this Agreement shall not prevent the observant party from demanding the breaching party to assume other liabilities. 

9.4. Wind-down of Operations: The Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to wind down its operations and cease offering the Services provided through this Platform. In such event, the Company shall follow the procedures set forth in Section 9.5.1 of this Agreement for providing notice to Users, facilitating the withdrawal of Digital Assets and funds, and addressing any unclaimed Digital Assets or funds in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

9.4.1 In the event that the Company decides to cease operations of this Platform and wind down its business activities, the Company shall provide at least sixty (60) days' advance written notice to Users through the Platform and via any other communication channel deemed appropriate. During this notice period, Users shall have the opportunity to withdraw any Digital Assets or funds held in their accounts on the Platform, subject to applicable verification procedures and outstanding obligations and processes. After the expiration of the notice period, the Company shall have the right to close all User accounts and services, and to initiate the process of returning any remaining Digital Assets or funds to their respective owners or authorized claimants, in accordance with established procedures.

9.4.2 The Company shall make reasonable efforts to identify and notify Users of any unclaimed Digital Assets or funds and shall provide a period of not less than one hundred and eighty (180) days for Users to submit claims or disputes regarding their Digital Assets or funds. The Company endeavors to return Digital Assets in their original form, however, reserves the right to return equivalent value in a different form.  Any Digital Assets or funds that remain unclaimed after the expiration of the claims period shall be handled in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

9.4.3 Transfer of Custody in the event of Wind-Down

In the event that the Company initiates a wind-down of operations, it reserves the right to transfer its custody or any related obligations to a third-party custodian. This custodian or service provider will be tasked with providing custody services for the duration of the minimum legal period required by applicable law. This transfer is designed to ensure the continued protection and management of assets under custody. Clients will be notified of the details of the transfer in a timely manner, including the identity of the third-party custodian and the steps the client may need to take to recover the Digital Assets. 

  1. Intellectual Property 

10.1 All intellectual achievements included in this Platform, including, but not limited to, Platform logos, databases, Platform design, text and graphics, software, photos, videos, music, sounds and any combinations of the aforementioned files, and the intellectual property rights of software compilation, associated source code and software (including small applications and scripts) shall be owned by this Platform. You may not copy, modify, copy, transmit or use any of the foregoing materials or content for commercial purposes.

10.2 All rights contained in the name of this Platform (including but not limited to business goodwill and trademarks, logos) shall be owned by the Company. 

10.3. You shall not illegally use or dispose of the intellectual property rights of this Platform or any other person during your use of the Services offered on this Platform. 

10.4 Your log into this Platform or use of any of the Services offered by this Platform shall not be deemed as our transfer of any intellectual property to you. 

  1. Protection of Personal Information 

11.1. Scope of Application 

11.1.1 When you register your account with this Platform or use your account with this Platform, you shall provide personal identification information in accordance with the requirements of this Platform. The Company shall collect and process personal information about you when registering an account and during the period of your use of the Services on the Platform in accordance with the Privacy Notice 

11.1.2 When you use the Services offered by this Platform, or visit this Platform, this Platform will automatically receive and record the server information of your web browser, including but not limited to the IP address and records on the web pages that you request to access.

11.1.3 The relevant data collected by this Platform in connection with your transactions on this Platform, including but not limited to transaction records. 

11.1.4 Other personal information of yours legally obtained by this Platform. 

11.2 Use of your personal Information 

11.2.1 Upon your successful registration with this Platform and without extra consent from you, it shall be deemed that you agree to permit the Company to collect and use all the information you publish on this Platform; as is specified under 11.1 hereof, you acknowledge and agree that the Company can use your information collected by the Company  for certain purposes, including but not limited to the following: providing you with the Services offered on this Platform; Reporting to relevant competent regulatory and judicial authorities or agencies as may be applicable or required; When you use Services offered by this Platform, this Platform will use your information for such legal purposes as identity authentication, customer service, security, fraud monitoring, marketing & promotion, archiving, and backup, or joint promotion of this Platform with a third party, so as to ensure the security of the products and services that this Platform offers to you; Information collection and processing for the purpose of helping the Company design new products and services and improving the existing services offered by this Platform; This Platform may transfer or disclose your information to any third party that is not a related party of this Platform, for the purpose of completing merger, division, acquisition or transfer of assets; Software certification or management software upgrade; Data analysis relating to cooperation with government agencies, public affairs agencies, associations, etc; For all other legal purposes as well as other purposes authorized by you.

11.2.2 This Platform will not sell or lend your personal information to any other person unless your permission is obtained in advance. This Platform also does not allow any third party to collect, edit, sell or gratuitously spread your personal information in any manner whatsoever.

11.3 This Platform shall keep confidential the customer identity information and transaction information that it obtains, and shall not provide any entity or individual with customer identification information or transaction information, except where any of the applicable laws, regulations, decrees, orders, etc., of relevant sovereign states or regions requires this Platform to provide such information. 

11.4. User Identification and Verification

11.4.1 The Company has established policies and procedures for identifying and verifying the identity of Users, including individuals as well as companies and other legal entities, in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and industry best practices related to anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing.

11.4.2 Individual Users are required to provide the Company with personal identification information and supporting documentation as deemed necessary by the Company to confirm the User's identity to the Company's satisfaction. Corporate Users and other legal entities are required to provide the Company with corporate documentation, information on beneficial owners, and other information as deemed necessary to confirm the entity's identity and ownership structure to the Company's satisfaction. The extent of information and documentation required may vary depending on the User's risk profile and the jurisdictional requirements applicable to the User.

11.4.3 The Company reserves the right to request additional information and documentation from Users as part of its ongoing due diligence and risk management processes related to identity verification, anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing compliance.

11.4.4 Failure to provide the requested identification information and documentation to the sole satisfaction of the Company may result in restrictions on account functionality, including potential account suspension or termination.

  1. General 

Calculation - All the transaction calculations are verified by us, and all the calculation methods have been posted on the Platform, but we cannot ensure that your use of this Platform will not be disturbed or free from errors.

Export Control - You understand and acknowledge that you shall not export, re-export, import or transfer any material (including software) on this Platform; therefore, you hereby undertake that you will not voluntarily commit or assist or participate in any of the above export or related transfer or other violations of applicable laws and regulations; if you uncover any of the aforementioned events, you will report to us and assist us in handling them.

Transfer - The rights and obligations agreed in this Agreement shall be equally binding on the assignees, the heirs, executors and administrators of the parties hereto who benefit from the rights and obligations. Without our consent, you may not transfer to any third party any of your rights or obligations hereunder, provided, however, we may, at any time, assign our rights and obligations under this Agreement to any third party with thirty (30) days' notice to you.

Severability - If any provision of this Agreement is found unenforceable, invalid or illegal by any court of competent jurisdiction, validity of the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected.

No Agency - Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to have created, implied or otherwise treated us as your agent, trustee or other representative, unless it is provided otherwise in this Agreement.

Waiver - Our or your waiver of the right to hold the other party liable for breaches of agreement or any other liability as is agreed upon in this Agreement shall not be construed or deemed as a waiver of the right to hold the other party for other breaches of contract; a failure to exercise any right or remedy shall not be construed in any way as a waiver of such right or remedy.

Headings - All headings herein are exclusively for the convenience of wording and are not intended to expand or limit the content or scope of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

Applicable Law - This Agreement and your use of the Services will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Seychelles. 

You and the Company agree to notify each other in writing of any dispute or claim within thirty (30) days of when it arises. Notice to the Company shall be sent to legal@chiliz.com . You and the Company further agree that you and the Company shall spend not less than three (3) months on full communication, consultation or mediation before either party submits the disputes in question for litigation. If no settlement can be reached through consultation, you hereby irrevocable and unconditionally consent and submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Seychelles which shall exclusive jurisdiction over any suit, action or proceeding arising out of this Agreement. 

  1. Entry into Force and Interpretation of the Agreement 

This Agreement shall enter into force when you click through the registration page of this Platform, complete the registration procedures, obtain your account number and password of this Platform, and shall be binding on you and this Platform.

The ultimate power of interpretation of this Agreement shall be vested in this Platform. User Verification procedures and Anti-Money Laundering Policies. 

  1. User Verification and Anti-Money Laundering Provisions

14.1.  Our User Verification and anti-money-laundering policies are a comprehensive system of international policies, including the User Verification and anti-money-laundering policies of the jurisdictions to which you are subject to. Our robust compliance framework ensures that we meet regulatory requirements and regulatory standards on both the local and global levels, and ensure the operational sustainability of our Platform.

14.2. Content of Our User Verification and Anti-Money-Laundering Policies 

14.2.1.  We promulgate and update User Verification and anti-money-laundering policies to meet the standards set by relevant laws and regulations and any updates thereto;

14.2.2 We promulgate and update some of the guidelines and rules in connection with the operation of this Platform, and our staff will provide you whole-process service in accordance with the guidelines and rules; 

14.2.3 We design and complete the procedures for internal monitoring and transaction control, such as rigorous identity authentication procedures, and form a professional team responsible for anti-money laundering; 

14.2.4 We adopt risk-prevention-based approach to carry out due diligence and continuous supervision in connection with customers; 

14.2.5 Review and regularly inspect existing transactions; 

14.2.6 To report suspicious transactions to the competent authorities; 

14.2.7 Proof documents of identity documents, address certificates and transaction records will be maintained in accordance with our data retention policy; 

14.2.8 In case of wind-down of operations as described in Section 9.5, the Company will retain user data for a period of 8 years in compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements. The Company commits to maintaining the confidentiality and security of user data during this period. After the expiration of this period, all user data will be securely deleted or anonymized, except as required by law or regulatory obligations.

14.2.8 Credit cards are prohibited throughout the course of the transaction; 

14.3. We reserve the right, in Our sole and absolute discretion, to suspend or terminate your account if You fail, for whatever reason, to provide such User Verification documents or information to Our sole and absolute satisfaction. 

15.3. Transaction Supervision 

15.3.1 We constantly set and adjust daily trading and cash withdrawal limits based on security requirement and actual state of transactions; 

15.3.2 If the transaction occurs frequently in an account registered by you or is beyond reasonable circumstances, our professional team will assess and determine whether such transaction is suspicious; 

15.3.3 If we identify a specific transaction as suspicious on the basis of our assessment, we may adopt such restrictive measures as suspending the transaction or denying the transaction, and if it is possible, we may even reverse the transaction as soon as possible, and report to the competent authorities, without, however, notifying you; 

15.3.4 We reserve the right to reject registration applications by applicants that do not comply with the international standards against money laundering or who may be regarded as political and public figures; we reserve the right to suspend or terminate a transaction identified as suspicious based on our own assessment, which, however, does not breach any of our obligations and duties to you.

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